Making Good on Green Promises

Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2019
Monaco is steadfastly stepping beyond its reputation as a playground for the rich and beautiful to take its rightful position as a leader in the global fight for a more sustainable and healthy planet. 

There is a storied and adventurous history behind its dedication to cleaner oceans and air, which is today available for all to see who enter the pristine seaside country.

Prince Albert II founded the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation immediately upon taking his role to support public and private projects including limiting greenhouse gas emissions, developing renewable energies, protecting biodiversity, managing water resources and combating desertification. The government is leading the way with a strong whole-of-a-city approach - that includes the entire Monegasque society and visitors in the major energy transition - which means adopting new habits and evolving as a society.

Although Monaco’s efforts have a global impact, there are exacting measures being taken at home that even a first-time visitor will note. Monaco banned the use of single-use plastic bags in 2019 and will ban the use of plastic straws, cutlery, and glasses from January 2020. It also became the first country to ban bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean after learning the species would become extinct within two years if action was not taken. Monaco also has one of the few marine-protected areas within its perimeter, which was formed in the 1970s. Only 3 percent of the Mediterranean is protected and 1.6 percent of that is due to principality’s efforts. Monaco has become a pioneer in the ‘ecological transition’ necessary for creating a world that people can live in and enjoy for generations to come.


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