Data di pubblicazione: 30/08/2019
- A heat wave scorched France in June of this year. French meteorologists measured 45 degrees C, red alert was ordered in some regions and the French parliament declared a state of climate emergency. The 'grande chaleur' is a hot issue for people living on the Mediterranean and right on cue for the Transition Forum in Monaco. Under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, the conference is dedicated to powering the transition to a clean and sustainable future. Even if Prince Albert II didn't give the welcoming address in person, his ecology-minded approach is ubiquitous in
the other dignitaries' speeches. "Acting means acting on our lifestyles! On the way we live, we eat and move. What is the price for this? We cannot behave as at the beginning of the 20th century," emphasized Lionel le Maux, chairman of Aqua Asset Management and cofounder of the Transition Forum.

"If we do not act today, we will no longer be able to acttomorrow."
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
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